Abdominal noise daily. More so when laying down. No pain but very rare I have a bloating feeling in my stomach. Poop is not long pieces anymore, comes out in smaller chunks for years now. This noise started maybe 1 year or so ago. I started taking a variety of supplements that help in digestive health and functionality, that help. Have been prescribed suboxone for 6 years due to Percocet use. I believe may be the cause. Weaning myself off but it will take 2 years about. Thank you very much
What does this mean from the x-ray report of my mom's shoulder? Sclerosis with a cortical breach is seen in the greater tuberosity of the left humerus. Soft tissue calcifications noted adjacent to the midshaft of the humerus. She is already a cancer patient.
Started itching on my abdomen about 9 days ago. This lump/rash appeared the next day and has grown larger and more red since. I saw a doctor 3 days ago who said to take antihistamines which has stopped the itching, but the rash is now very painful to touch and I am also having sharp pains through the rash area. I wondered if this could be Shingles but the rash does not look as bad as photos online. I do not feel unwell. Can you please advise?
My stomach is not good, I have a problem with urine dripping from the penis. Whenever I come back to the washroom after doing the pee, urine dropping starts and its dropping continues till 10 minutes. Then stops. the most important thing is that when i wake up in the morning a few drops of sperms come out from the penis, it happens daily. Please suggest a sexologist who can my treatment.
Hello, I found those thing on the back of my arm this morning, do you know what is it ? Please respond thank you
This is predominantly on my right foot, but my ring toe spreads away from the rest of my toes on its own. I can feel it which makes it quite annoying, sometimes it spreads so far to the right the other toes follow then they snap back into place and repeat. I also have calf muscle twitching on the right side, I am not worried about anything serious, its just annoying as something is always twitching somewhere on my body. They are not the kind of twitches I can ignore, they are very noticeable.
I wake up in the night from extreme thirst, my skin and lips are dry even in the summer (I drink normal amounts of water though, and my pee is pale yellow), my scalp has this weird thing where it feels rough like sandpaper and produces tiny hard bits that can be picked or rubbed off. If I start taking a new supplement it goes away/smoothes out for a few days but always comes back. When I exercise even a little bit I tend to cramp up and often have to lie down afterwards because I feel nauseous.
Hello I am just 14 years old and having pain in my Private part there is no swelling or redness and I am having it for 6 months what should I do? Will it go away?
Sir meray akser maidy me shadeed dard rehta hy mujhy qabz ziada tar rehti hy sir koi behtren tablet ya syrup tajveez farmadain
Alot of Face acne and causes large open pores and scars.
I've been using minoxidil for a month and have lumps under my left armpit. They don't hurt but they are hard. Is this normal?
I have very painful periods for many years. My ultrasounds and blood tests are normal. I have too much pain before and during periods. I am not married. Doctor gave me Primolut to take from 5th day to 21st day of cycle each month for three months but my pain is still the same. She says I may have endometriosis. What treatment can I get for this?
I had my left portion of back head banged about 2 months ago and it was pretty impactful. Due to unavailability, I couldn't apply any ice pack or stuffs right at the moment. Since then, I'm experiencing a dull throbbing headache in my left back region of head which intensifies at times. I have trouble sleeping if I put pressure on turning left on my head. I did see a doctor and had CT scan done which was normal. Yet I continue to experience the headache and is interfering with my daily life.
I have dark circle under eyes which are very old for 20 years kindly give me some information about filler and prp price and duration of session thanks.
I am suffering from this from past 11 months, currently i am taking Estar, Desktop,Ganaton,gaviscon. Is this the right treatment? and what are the home remedies for it, i heard of ginger tea with honey.please explain
For about a year, at least three times I month I get these random stabbing pains in my lower back. They usually last from 5-10 minutes, though some have been longer. They are extremely painful, I can’t even think when they occur. I’ve tried to pin point what I do right before they happen but so far they are completely random. I’ve recently just started college and had my first attack while away from home. This one was more painful than the others, and rather scary. It lasted for 5 minutes.
My wife suffering from sclap acne, she have many pus filled yellow peels on her head. Can you guide about this, please.
So I've met a girl who I really like, but she has herpes and I dont. For obvious reasons, I really don't want an STD. She takes medication for it and we always use a condom, but I don't know how high the risk is that I will catch it. What do you think the chances are that I will catch it if I stay with her? Thank you.
My wife is having lactation issues. we want to breastfeed our two months old daughter but there is no milk to feed her. Unfortunately we have to feed her through formula. Please help us or recommend a doctor in Karachi for this issue.
I have severe back pain in my upper back. I have had pain in this location for a number of years but recently it has gotten too bad to ignore. The pain started as a discomfort years ago around the area of my back where there is 1 vertibrae that is slightly off centre to the right. I have never had this seen to stupidly, maybe I thought it was normal. My husband tried massaging it but I'm getting shooting pains down my right inner arm when pressure is applied. Please help, advice/ diagnosis.